The Ultimate Guide To Becoming Pain Free

Heal Your Pain
If you’re in chronic pain and you’re not getting adequate relief from your treatment, this book is for you. You don’t have to “learn to live with your pain” or put up with unpleasant side effects from your medication. There are treatments available that could safely cure your pain.
Author Cindy Perlin has been seen on:
The Truth About Chronic Pain Treatments reviews the evidence for the safety and effectiveness of a wide variety of treatments as well as how organized medicine is keeping you from getting the care you need and deserve. It’s a comprehensive guide to avoiding the treatments that don’t work or are likely to cause harm and selecting the therapies that are most likely to promote healing.
Here are some things you will learn about in The Truth About Chronic Pain Treatments:
- Which drugs are likely to do more harm than good and which are the safest
- Why results from one common diagnostic test should never be a reason to have back surgery
- How your mind influences pain levels
- How to use your brain to heal your pain
- The evidence for the safety and effectiveness of drug-free, nonsurgical treatments
- There is no one size fits all treatment and a multidisciplinary approach works best
In The Truth About Chronic Pain Treatments you will also learn about the power of the following therapies to heal your pain:
- Biofeedback
- Psychotherapy
- Physical therapy
- Exercise
- Chiropractic treatment
- Nutrition and supplements
- Massage
- Acupuncture
- Herbs
- Homeopathy
- Energy medicine
- Marijuana
- Low level laser therapy
- Multidisciplinary pain treatment programs
Unlike most books on chronic pain treatment that advocate one specific treatment, The Truth About Chronic Pain Treatments provides information about a wide variety of therapies so that you can make informed decisions about what is best for you.
This essential pain management handbook also explains why you haven’t heard more about the many safe, effective pain treatments that are available. It includes a legislative proposal, the Pain Treatment Parity Act, which would eliminate the barriers to pain patients getting safer and more effective care.